
We are a young and creative company and we offer you fresh business ideas.

Long-term vision and trajectory

We are a young and creative company and we offer you fresh HR ideas.

Leverage agile frameworks to provide a robust synopsis for high level overviews. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. Organically grow the holistic world view of disruptive.

Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution user generated.

Valuation Services
Development of Financial Models
Corporate Financial Advisory
Deal Structuring
Feasibility Studies & Business Plans
Modeling and Analytics
Financing Options
Financing Solutions


Audi Hungária Motor Kft. – első pilot tréning

Együttműködés a Debreceni Egyetemmel

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Magyar Suzuki – első pilot tréning

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Együttműködés: DUIHK, IDS Scheer – ARIS Software kereskedelem

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Robert Bosch ( Miskolc/ Hatvan / Kecskemét ) – első tréningek

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Együttműködés a TÜV HESSENnel

Software-fejlesztés: HYPER-ISO – Lotus Notes

Együttműködés a Széchenyi István Egyetemmel – Győr

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Partnerség: MAJOSZ – Association of Hungarian Vehicle Component Manufacturers

Alapítás: TÜV Know-How Club – Magyarország

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Értékesítési stratégia váltás

www.tequa.hu honlap

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La’Met Consultancy – Hollandia

Első magyar nyelvű LEAN Management újság kiadása

Új szinten az együttműködés az AUDIval – Q-Offenzíva képzési modulok

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Első VDA-QMC oktatás megszervezése Magyarországon

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Első engedélyezett képzés szervezése

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Első Autóipari képzésünk Izlandon

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E-learning képzések kialakítása

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Új honlap- új design

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Soft skill képzések elindítása

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Online képzések integrálása


B/2020/001055 számon az új Fktv. szerinti nyilvántartásba vétel

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SMMT Licencmegállapodás és tréning

IFKA regisztráció és minősítő tanúsítvány ( Műszaki-, termék-és szolgáltatásfejlesztés )

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Kompetencia alapú képzési stratégia

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Tequa Akadémia
Tequa Akadémia

The operational processes are what drives the business

Somnox sleep robot is now available in the world famous Harrods flagship store in London to help you succeed.
Tequa Akadémia

Future is brighter when you’re more prepared

We help you weather today's uncertainty through our best team needs.

01We are able to give truly independent advice

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added.

02Financial advice based on your goals

Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps.

03We’re here to help during market volatility

Nanotechnology immersion along the information highway will close loop.

Tequa Akadémia

Create more leads and grow your business

We can help you with picking out the best people for your company and its work.

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide with additional clickthroughs from DevOps nanotechnology immersion.

The operational processes of a business are what drives the business itself

We're here to inform which tactics need funding and which are drainsom resources.
Strategy Consulting90%
Operations Careers50%
Management Consulting80%
Tequa Akadémia
Tequa Akadémia
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Tequa Akadémia
Tequa Akadémia
Tequa Akadémia
We’re thrilled with the end result – especially the fact that the project went live in time for a series of important meetings in the nation’s capital.
Richars GarretTailwindcss
Tequa Akadémia

Case Studies

We explore some of the latest trends and strategies

Be at the forefront of the innovation

Your goals are individual. We believe business advice should be too, so we help your business thrive in this work environment.

Our Team

We combine global expertise and local insight to help you

Head of ConsultingBrian B. Rooney

+353 1 417 259
+353 1 417 259

Talent & Performance AdvisorMichelle C. Ward

+353 1 417 259
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  • Minta esemény
  • 5/30/2022-9:0
  • 5/30/2022-13:0
  • Pécs, Barbakán tér 5.
  • https://tequa.hu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/businessman-performing-at-business-presentation-2021-09-24-03-49-57-utc.jpg
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  • Minta esemény 2
  • 6/7/2022-6:0
  • 6/7/2022-8:0
  • Pécs, Barbakánt tér 8.
  • https://tequa.hu/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/handsome-business-coach-standing-on-stage-and-gest-2021-08-29-22-36-55-utc.jpg
  • Ide jönnek a részletek
  • Tequa Akadémia
  • Kényelmes üzleti
  • 0
  • Minta tréning
  • 6/7/2022-9:0
  • 6/7/2022-13:0
  • Pécs, Barbakán tér 5.
  • https://tequa.hu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Blue-Experimental-Art-Deco-Consultancy-Business-Website-masolata-masolata-masolata.png
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  • Minta tréning
  • 6/17/2022-9:0
  • 6/17/2022-13:0
  • Pécs, Barbakán tér 5.
  • https://tequa.hu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Blue-Experimental-Art-Deco-Consultancy-Business-Website-masolata-masolata-masolata.png
  • Ide jönnek az esemény részletei
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